If you want to purchase our product outside North America, You will need to make arrangements to have someone receive your product to the u.s. and then ship it to you!

This information is intended for educational purposes and is not to prescribe treatment. Always consult a professional health practitioner for the treatment of disease. This product and suggested use is to be used for the sole purpose of research on each individual’s own body to cleanse the body of all toxicity for optimal health. A clean body is a healthy body!
Our Clients Own Research Our
The following are some before and after pictures to help give you an idea of the amazing regenerative qualities of Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. All before and after pictures are from our clients that did their own research in their own homes with the protocol’s developed by Joyce Palmer for all of Vital Ion Oxygen products for the last 14 years with tremendous success as submitted by clients with their pictures and testimonies. We recommend all of our products to help you to cleanse your body at the cell level of heavy metals, chemicals and parasites. A CLEAN BODY IS A HEALTHY BODY!!
Circulation Problems

These pictures show a 78 year old man that had a farm accident which broke his pelvic bones that caused the circulation to his legs to be impaired for 28 years plus he had a staff infection as well as massive bone spurs in the bottom of his feet. The second picture's is after the first treatment with Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. The third picture is after the second treatment with Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. He continued his 21 day treatment in his own home doing his own research by soaking his feet in the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen every day for 1 hour a day for 21 days. The last picture was taken on the 21st day after he finished his treatments with our products. He was the first client that sent us his pictures.
When he started his research on his leg's, he also had massive bone spurs on the bottom of his feet that felt like gravel and he walked with am immense amount of pain. He and his wife went for a 3 mile walk on the 21st. day, for the first time in 28 years he walked without any pain or discomfort as the staff infection and bone spurs were gone.
Compare the first picture before he started his treatment with Vital Ion Edible Oxygen when his doctor told him that he had to have his leg amputated as there was nothing left to do with the last picture. His wife refused to allow the amputation as she had the faith that there was an alternative treatment that would restore his leg again to a healthy state so he could have a quality life with both of his legs. The muscle have been completely regenerated in his left leg and it look's like the leg of a 45 year old man. A picture is worth a thousand words and truly seeing is believable. This gentleman and his wife were able to take control of his condition with a very safe and effective treatment that was affordable and in the safety of their own home.
Glen K.
Rigby, Idaho

Circulation & Infection Problems

The first picture is the actual color of this woman's leg when she started her first research treatment by soaking her leg in 5 gallons of full strength Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. The second and third picture is of the woman's leg after just 2 hours of soaking. The fourth and fifth picture is after she completed her research treatments on her staph infected leg that had a whole to the bone. Notice how healthy the ankle area looks with the whole 80% closed and staph free. In the fifth picture it show's the leg back to its normal size with little discoloration left. She was able to walk without pain after her first treatment on the first night and she said that she slept through the night for the first time with out pain in ten years. From the beginning of the first two hour treatment the pain had stopped when she put her leg into the bucket of full strength Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. She said that it was a miracle of God that she had prayed for over 10 years and now she has her prayers answered.
This is a group of picture's of a 78 year old woman that had a staph infection in her leg for over 10 years which started when she bumped the inside of her ankle. She suffered circulation impairment from her knee to the bottom of her feet. Some time during the 10 years of being under a Medical University Doctors care, she had a 1 inch hole punched ¾ through her leg which eventually caused her staph infection. When we met her she suffered with severe pain and said that she had not slept through the night for 10 year's because of the immense pain that she suffered. She said that she would sit on the side of her bed when she woke up during the night from the pain and she would rock her body back and forth until the pain would subside and she would fall asleep. When she was introduced to the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen by a friend she had lost all hope of finding an alternative procedure to solve her chronic problem without having her leg amputated as suggested by the University Doctor's. She was scheduled to have a surgical procedure to take to take a piece of her upper arm muscle to put into the 3 inch whole that the staph infection had caused. She didn't want to have the surgery because it didn't make sense to put healthy muscle tissue into a staph infected leg. This woman was one of the many people that we met and they became our research clients that did the research on their own conditions using our products that we gave to them to determine the efficacy and to develop an effective protocol for the use of our products.
We learned from our research clients that the amount of product used in the two previous clients can be done by using only 1 bottle of Vital Ion Edible Oxygen in ½ gallon of slightly hot water in a foot spa such as the Homedics product line. The time of the treatment is suggested to be a minimum of one hour and up to 3 hours a day for 7 consecutive days for optimal results. We provide complete directions for a variety of chronic conditions. Check out the product use page. The success is determined by our clients following our protocols.

She Recovered From A Stroke With Vital Ion Edible Oxygen!

In 1993 I had a stroke after my husband died of cancer. I was left without very much money due to the expense of my husband's cancer which caused me to go through a lot of stress which caused my stroke. I was paralyzed on my right side for 1 -1/2 years and no hope to ever recover until I went to a lecture that Joyce Palmer gave in Mesa, Arizona at a friends house in January 1995. I didn't have the money to buy the case of Vital Ion that I knew was the answer to my prayers to get well. I had prayed to God many times to get well and when I heard Joyce Palmer lecture about her Divine Vital Ion Edible Oxygen to be able herself to again take control of her health then I knew that it was the answer to my many prayers. Because I didn't have the money to buy the product, Joyce said that it would be a gift from the Lord as an answer to my prayers. I started the next day taking just 6 caps full of the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen consecutive days and on the Seventh day I got up out of my wheel chair and I have never gotten back into my wheel chair. I went to a second lecture the following week at my friends house and I sitting on the sofa with my neighbors when Joyce started her lecture and Maurine our host stopped Joyce and asked if she noticed any thing different in the room. Joyce said no what do you mean and Maurine said look at Zilan she can walk without her wheel chair. I stood up and walked towards Joyce and she broke into sobs praising God. In her lecture the week before she was saying a prayer to the Lord that she might be an instrument in his hands to help his children and she said that the Lord promised her that the lame would walk, the blind will see and the deft will hear. I broke into sobs when she spoke those words sitting in my wheel chair right next to her in the first meeting. She stopped and knelt down on her knees and put her arms around me and asked me why was I crying and I told her that I had been praying for a year and half to be able to walk again and she whispered in my ear as tears ran down her face, she said in a very powerful manner, I promise you Zilan in the name of Jesus Christ that if I do every thing that I instruct you to do that you will walk again. Her prayer and promise in the name of Jesus Christ came true in just 7 days. What a miracle!
The pictures of me standing next to my wheelchair was taken in February 1999 when to my great surprise Joyce called me to ask me how I was doing and I broke into sobs that I couldn't speak, I gave the phone to my new husband to talk to Joyce. She asked Bob if she could stop by to see me as she was in Arizona lecturing again and wanted to see me. Bob of course told her to please come by as I was so overwhelmed that she cared enough about me to call me to see how I was doing. She came by with one of her distributors and took some pictures and words cannot express how grateful that Joyce took some time out of her busy schedule to check on one of her clients. I asked her what made her think of little old me to visit and she said that she loves to visit her clients on her "Trail of Tears of Disease." Joyce is Cherokee, Chippewa & Choctaw Indian and she said that her grandmothers walked the Trail of Tears and now the Lord has told her that she also walks a "Trail of Tears of Disease". I married my next door neighbor after his wife died of cancer as they took care of me while I was in my wheelchair. I thank the Lord every day for sending Joyce Palmer and Vital Ion Edible Oxygen into my life for the blessing of regaining my health.
Zilan M.
Mesa, Az.

Live Blood Sample Of Pregnant Woman

In the first picture of the live blood sample in the Dry Field Microscope, the beige looking area represents the yeast, and the white area's represents the Oxygen Deprivation. Just 1 minutes after the woman took just one serving of the Daytime High Energy of Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. You can see the white spots disappearing and the sample changing dramatically. In the third picture after 5 minutes the changes are definitely better.
The woman was 38 years old and in her 6th month of her pregnancy. Both her Doctors were very impressed in the changes is such a short period. And by the way, one of of the Doctors was the woman's husband a Chiropractor and the other one was a Naturopathic Physician.
When Joyce Palmer first started her research using her products, it was suggested to her by Dr. Samuel West that she use a Toys R-US microscope that she could buy for $40 dollars to show her clients how they could use the small microscope to check their Oxygen at the Cell level. If you don't believe it just make the investment at Toys R Us and do your own research. All you need is a lancet to prick your finger used by Diabetics and you can buy one at any Pharmacy. Joyce sold hundreds of toy microscopes for Toys R-US to her clients after she demonstrated how simple they are to use in their own homes.
In December of 1994 Joyce gave a lecture at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas and one of her guests that attended her lecture was a Medical Doctor from Hawaii, Dr. Cyrus Loo who observed her demonstration of using the Toys R Us microscope to show the Oxygen at the cell level on some of the guests. Dr. Loo was astounded to see the results of the Dry Field of Microscope a live blood sample. He exclaimed that if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes he would not have believed it.
Dr. Loo has remained a close friend to Joyce and has encouraged her to continue with her research as he describes the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen a panacea because it works for all conditions. Dr. Loo did a talk show interview with Joyce in Las Vegas in 1995 and the talk show host became upset with him as he was praising the product and he believed that it is the missing link to heal all disease. After the show Dr. Loo asked Marty the host why he was so upset with him and Marty said that it made him nervous for him to make such claims even though he was a Medical Doctor. Dr. Loo did some of his own research with the products and had remarkable results. He has yet to publish his findings.
The happy ending to this story is that the talk show host became a wholesale distributor of Vital Ion Edible Oxygen because he owned a warehouse of health food products for all the Health Food Stores in Las Vegas.

Satisfied Clients Testimonials
Testimony of Bertha O.
I was working in the school kitchen when I happen to stab my hand with a very sharp knife. The wound was about an inch deep. I then bought a bottle of the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen and put it on my wound every so often for three days. After the three days, my wound had healed completely without any infection. I didn't even get a scare from the stab wound. I also was getting the bad flu that was going around one day. I had a sore throat and just knew that I was going to get the flu. But I took some aspirin and drank a bottle of the Sleep & Stress Vital Ion and went to bed. The next morning I woke up feeling fine with no sore throat, and feeling good. I am sure that it was the Vital Ion that helped me with both things that happened to me.
Bertha O.
Price, Utah
Personal Health Research of David B.
April 30, 1993
Dear Joyce
I thought that you might like to know of some of the benefits that I have realized since I began using your product, Vital Ion.
The first thing that I noticed was added stamina. I found that I wasn't dragging myself around during the day. I rarely yawn since taking a teaspoon each morning. I find that I fall asleep faster and have a more restful sleep. Waking in the morning is not as hard a chore as it was in the past either. I find it much easier to get out of bed and feel more refreshed. That alone has made taking your product worth while.
There are other benefits that I have realized in the month and a half since I began using VITAL ION. I will attempt to briefly list and explain what they are.
For over 15 years I have been unable to bend my left wrist back toward my forearm. It has been painful, probably due to a calcium deposit on the joint. I have been unable to do push ups because of this problem. Well I guess I don't have any excuse anymore because I noticed that the pain and stiffness had disappeared within two weeks of taking VITAL ION.
You told me that it would eliminate hay fever problems. Normally in the spring I go through at least one handkerchief per day due to my intolerance to various pollen's. I have not had any signs of hay fever since taking Vital Ion. As a matter of fact, on a recent bicycle ride into the mountains, my family was suffering serious problems from hay fever and I have no reaction whatsoever.
You informed me that you use VITAL ION while brushing your teeth. Prior to my introduction to your product I had been to my dentist at FHP. He recommended that I make an appointment to have my teeth cleaned. In the past, his dental hygienist would continually instruct me to floss regularly and massage my gums as it would improve my dental hygiene and cut down on the amount of bleeding and plaque buildup. Eight days after I began to use VITAL ION, I returned to the dentist for my teeth cleaning appointment. The dental hygienist congratulated me for flossing regularly and informed me that I had very little plaque buildup and that my gums did not bleed at all. I didn't have the nerve to tell her that I still had neglected to floss anymore than I had done before. I attribute this to the use of your water since you told me that using it would emulsify the plaque and eliminate it from my body.
I had also been suffering from angina or chest pain. I blame this on my poor eating habits (meat and potatoes), lack of exercise and a tremendous amount of stress on my job. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor at FHP and after having been on the product for 6 days went in and had an EKG and other tests. The doctor asked me if I exercised regularly and I replied that I didn't. He said whatever you're doing, keep it up. You have the heart rate and blood pressure of a long distance runner. I was surprised! My pulse was 60 and my blood pressure was 105/55. I was scheduled for a treadmill test about a week away. Within a few days the chest pain and anxiety went away. By the time I went in for my treadmill test I was having no further problems and the Cardiologist could find nothing wrong with my heart or circulatory system. I have not had any pains since and I can tell you that this is a great relief to me.
I mentioned that my job is very stressful. It has not been stressful to me for over a month now. I wonder if it has anything to do with your water. Is this letter long enough? Well I'm not done yet. For over two years I have had a problem with my inner right ear. I am gradually losing my hearing and was told that I needed special hearing aids for both ears. I suffer from a loud ringing in my hearing aids for both ears. I suffer from a loud ringing in my ears caused by my operating a jackhammer in a mine tunnel. Along with this, for two years I have had a re-occurring noise somewhat like that noise you hear when you have an ear infection or water in your ear. I have been unable to get rid of it and find it annoying on a daily basis. On a recent trip to California, the radio would trigger this ear noise problem. It was driving me crazy! In desperation, I decided to put several drops of VITAL ION in that ear. It has now been nine days since I put one treatment in that ear and I have not had one annoying moment with that ear.
In December, I mistakenly put contact lens disinfecting solution in my right eye instead of eye drops. I had been having serious problems with my new contact lenses. The only relief was to continually put eye drops in my eyes. Well I burned my eye which caused the vessels in my right eye to stand out like a garden hose. The pain eventually went away but the red vessels didn't. I continued using eye drops almost hourly until I met you and began taking VITAL ION. Within a day I began using fewer eye drops. By then having complete faith in your product, I began using it as eye drops to get the red out. Within two days the hemorrhaged blood vessels caused by the contact lens cleaner were gone. I also have found that using the drops relieves my eyes making me feel like I had had a restful nap.
Well I could go on telling you about other small miracles that this product had done for me and others I have given it to, but I fear that already the stories I have told appear too good to be true. True they are, and that's just too good for me.
Thanks for an amazing product,
David B.
Sandy, Utah
Personal Medical Research of Tommy B.
In April of 1995, a friend invited me to a Vital Ion Edible Oxygen seminar that was being put on in Show Low, Arizona. I purchased some Vital Ion and took 8 caps a day for two months. I decided to get some life insurance, so I had a physical, a blood test, and urine test. The test results came back and the doctor said that I was in perfect health, and if I didn't break all of my bones that I would live to be 120 years old. I also noticed that I had considerable more energy and I could squat down and pop right back up and my knees didn't hurt to squat down or bother me anymore. My back doesn't bother me, only on occasion.
Thanks for making me feel better.
Tommy B.
Showlow, Arizona
Personal Research of Judy M.
In September of 1994, I had an accident with a table saw blade which cut off the end of my thumb. The saw blade went through the end of my right thumb at the center point, though the nail bed, stopping just short of my moon, and then cut to the right side on an angle, shortening the overall length of my thumb a full 3/8 inch. I was rushed to the hospital along with my severed body part, only to wait upon the medical system for three hours, and then was told that my thumb piece would not be reattached to my hand because it would not be a successful operation. I had not yet had the opportunity to know about Vital Ion, nor had I met Joyce Palmer.
The doctor attending me said that he would only take the skin pad off of the severed piece and use it as a skin graft to patch the hole left by the cut. After the operation, my thumb was very sensitive to pain and I couldn't use it for several months. Also, because of the trauma to my thumb, the thumbnail was distressed and irregular with deep ridges.
I met Joyce in May of 1995, eight months after my accident, and started taking a cupful of Vital Ion daily. Within three days, the sensitivity for pain left my thumb, letting me use it as I had not been able to use it after the accident. It was wonderful to be able to use my hand and do things that I hadn't been able to do. The other astonishing thing to me was the fact that within one week after beginning to take the Vital Ion, my thumbnail flattened out and began to grow normally from that point on.
I've been taking the Vital Ion daily since May of 1995, and since doing so, my thumb and nail bed are rejuvenating themselves. I never expected this to happen, but I'm excitedly pleased that my hand is looking more and more normal each day. If I had known my thumb was going to grow back, I would have taken pictures of the progression, but this was a total surprise to me.
Judy Mc. November 8, 1996
Showlow, Arizona
Testimony of Craig H.
Letter from Craig H. to his doctor
Dear Doctor H.
I thought I would touch base with you since you showed a concern for my ailment when we were all in Nassau. Doctor, I am the one who had full blown AIDS and was going through a full Vital Ion Oxygen Detoxifying Program with the help of Joyce Palmer who developed the protocol for the use of her Oxygen products.
My condition now, compared to Nassau, is outstanding and nothing short of being miraculous. Before the treatment, I had no energy and could not gain any weight. My weight stabilized at 170 lbs. My viral load was 350 and the marker cells were around 90. That after one year of being on the so called protease inhibitors. The medication may have saved my life in the beginning, but after one year, I believe they were starting to slowly kill me.
You should see me now. I had three Brain Detoxifying treatments with Vital Ion in the Bahamas. I was in a much weakened state when I arrived. I couldn't raise my arms above my waist, and it was very difficult just getting myself dressed. I had severe pain in my feet as well as my shoulders. I wasn't even able to do any exercise. After my first treatment, the pain in my shoulders and feet had substantially subsided. I had gained so much energy, that I jogged on the beach at 5:00am to my great amazement. I felt like I WAS GOING TO LIVE! My prayers were answered and I found the natural treatment that works.
First I want you to know one week later I went to Phoenix, AZ to finish the detoxifying with Joyce. I stayed for five days. My energy level increased daily. I also noticed my appetite came back and I started to have immediate weight gain. I stopped all medication in Nassau and have not gone back to them. The only support I'm taking is the Vital Ion. I am drinking about a bottle a day and am doing the detoxifying program about twice a week. I now weigh 185 lbs. My skin color is back and running circles around everyone.
Doctor, forgive me if this letter sounds like a promotional tool for Joyce, but it is. I am convinced that the product works, not just for AIDS but everything. Her research on toxicity and parasite levels in the body is correct. You control the toxins and parasites in the body and you can overcome anything. Example, when I got back to LA everyone had the summer flu and bronchitis. People still have it. I have been surrounded by people with colds. I can't seem to get sick. I'm now painting the apartment building where I live. I get tired but I'm able to put a full day's work in. I couldn't do these two months ago. It's very exciting for me now. Before I went to Nassau I prayed for healing and I believe I found it with Joyce Palmer and the Vital Ion.
Doctor, I'm writing this letter to you and several other Doctors who took an interest in Joyce Palmer's program. I want everyone to know that this program works. I'm sorry to say it's too soon for results on my blood tests. I will keep you informed on the blood work in another month. I am expecting the marker cells to increase and the viral load to be undetectable.
Please contact Joyce Palmer and discuss my recovery with her. We need to get this product in double blind studies. There are so many people who need it and we all need to take control of our own health with this simple and most effective plan. God Bless.
Craig H.
Los Angeles, Ca.
Letter of Intent from Craig H.
I, Craig H., do hereby contract with Joyce Palmer to receive a free program of self healing to try to take control of my current health problems. I agree to provide medical records of my condition before using the Vital Ion Brain Detoxifying Self Healing free program to help mankind.
I do not expect from Vital Ion or Joyce Palmer to pay me any form of remuneration over and above the free Vital Ion Brain Detoxifying Self Healing program I have already received.
I agree to let the truth of the results be known to the public through press conferences and or newspaper and magazine articles. In consideration for my efforts, Vital Ion will consider me to be one of their independent distributors of the product with the same rights and price structure as all the other independent distributors, who have also provided testimonials for the product. To continue to receive the product for Vital Ion Brain Detoxifying Self Healing program free, I will submit weekly signed and notarized testimonials on the efficacy of the product while using it.
Letter to Evel Knievel
To: Evel Knievel
Maxim Hotel
From: Joyce Palmer
Vital Ion Edible Oxygen
Dear Evel,
I just want to touch base with you and give you an update since we last spoke. I called your attorney, Fred, the next day as you requested.
Fred asked me to send him some information about my product. I also sent him two bottles of the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. I have not heard back from Fred and I have called him on three occasions.
I want you to know that I did as you requested and that I am interested in talking to you in person in Vegas if that is possible. I am more concerned about your health problems to begin with.
Dr. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for discovering that disease cannot live in the presence of oxygen. My product is the first stabilized ionic mineralized Oxygen that is a pH of 7.4. It is very important for you to understand that my product is the key to your total recovery for your condition.
I am sending you a program to follow for the use of my product. I would love to meet with you to explain how important it is to understand the healing benefits of my Oxygen.
By the way, I apologize about the two bottles that my son sold you. I was told by your Salt Lake contact that you wanted to buy all the oxygen I had. My son Sean took 36 cases to the hotel with him the night he delivered the oxygen to you. I have instructed Sean to give you a case of the Daytime Formula to use for your recovery as it will take a case to mega dose to concentrate the oxygen and the cell level where health and death begins. Regeneration can't begin until you are 100% oxygenated at the cell level.
Joyce Palmer
Creator of Vital Ion Edible Oxygen
Testimony of Ray D.
June 25,1999
Subject: Vital Ion Edible Oxygen
At the age of 16, I was burned over 80 % of my body and spent two years recovering in a hospital. My left hand was set in a cast so, in the doctor's opinion, I would have at least one hand with which to hold things. As time went on, I regained complete use of my right hand however, both hands are covered with scar tissue.
This scar tissue continues to break down, cracking and bleeding periodically. In the past I have been able to control this with iodine, antibiotic salves, and bandages.
Last year, I developed an open sore, which continued to erode underneath causing a bigger and bigger cavern to eat down into my right hand.
Simultaneously my mouth became so sore I could hardly chew my food. My wife learned about Vital Ion, so I decided to experiment on my hand. After trying all of the traditional remedies I had relied on in the past to no avail, I began taking Vital Ion internally twice a day, plus spraying it on topically.
Amazingly, after six weeks, the hole in my hand healed closed. The scar tissue looks as close to healthy as scar tissue can, and the bonus came when the pain in my hand and my mouth disappeared. Vital Ion is truly an amazing product, which I never want to be without.
I suggest anyone with any similar problems try experimenting with Vital Ion. I experienced no ill side effects from taking it, and the Vital Ion was the only thing I was doing differently. I attribute the healing of my tissues and reduction of pain in my hands and my mouth to the use of Vital Ion Edible Oxygen.
Ray D.
Peoria, Arizona
Testimony of Karyn H.
Dr. G is a chiropractor that works with herbs and homeopathic products. One favorite supplement is Vital Ion or Liquid Oxygen. We had gotten your name from Robert that used this for his wife. We are interested in a large order if you would please contact us. Our patients really like Vital Ion and have benefited from this.
Karyn H.
Salt Lake, Utah
Testimony of Sunny B.
Dear Joyce,
I have been taking the Vital Ion Daytime Energy & Sleep & Stress since 2-14-00. I have good news to report to you on the wonderful results I am having in regards to my gum problems. I listen to your Wed. radio program and have attended 2 Tucson meetings. I have paid extra attention to your questions and answers regarding gum issues. I have been very worried, with the redness and swelling areas on three spots of my gums for some time now.
My dentist recommends gum surgery. I have been postponing the idea of gum surgery for about six months, also having nightmares of waking up with every tooth in my mouth falling out onto my pillow. I started using your products on 2/4/2000, following your instructions, and everyday I check my gums and see improvement with the tenderness, redness, and swelling. I cannot believe the improvement, and I now know I can take control of my health conditions to regain its health, thanks to your products. I am so excited about this product. I want to help others in regaining their health issues.
Please send me more information on a distributorship. Also, everything I need to know about the products to get me ready for becoming a distributor.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you.
Sunny B.
Tucson, Arizona
Testimony of Don S.
I was riding my three wheeler down the river bank behind my house when I flipped over hitting my chin on the steering wheel splitting my chin open and I was bleeding profusely. My friend that was with me was so concerned about the amount of blood that I was losing that he wanted to take me to the Emergency Room.
I told him that I could take care of the problem my self with the Vital Ion as it would stop the bleeding. I took a washcloth and poured ½ of a bottle of the Daytime Energy Oxygen on the cloth and I placed it right on the open gushing wound. In a matter of minutes the bleeding stopped and I then took an Ace Bandage and put it over the washcloth up over my head and left it overnight and the next day when I took off the bandage the wound had closed and I didn't need to do any thing else.
I sure saved a lot of money by not needing to go to the Emergency room as I don't have any insurance. My insurance now for the last 9 years has been the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. I am also by-polar and I have full control of my condition by using the Sleep & Stress formula that has natural lithium from a hot springs.
If I feel a cold or the flu coming on, I just chug ½ Bottle of the Sleep & Stress and go to bed and that's all it takes to get rid of a cold or the flu. I will always keep this incredible product in my home as it has saved me so much money and I feel great all of the time.
By the way my mother is Joyce Palmer who developed the products and I am very proud of her and her work to help so many including me her oldest son. She is 20 years older than me and she runs circles around me and it's kind of embarrassing but she is definitely healthier than I am so far. I am now doing all of the healthy programs that my mom has been doing as an example to me and they all work. She looks like my girlfriend not my mother and people ask her all the time if I am her boyfriend and she laughs and tells them she is my mother. It is embarrassing for me to look the same age as she is so I had better do all of the things that she does to stay so young looking!
Don S.
St. George, Utah
Testimony of Dr. Lee Richardson
I am a Natropathic Physician and I have been using Vital Ion in my practice since 1996 when I Met Joyce Palmer when she was lecturing in Idaho. Joyce has been great in teaching me all of her Detoxifying programs using her product and they are great products and affordable to my patients. Read the 3 Hour Detoxifying Program on the Detoxifying Program page of the man in the picture below.
Below is one of my patients and Joyce's long term client that had terminal Brain Cancer and he was able to take complete control of his health with the products that Joyce developed as well as the protocol for this treatment. I personally recommend the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen products. I have seen many medical miracles using the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen with many different protocols such as the ones in the pictures of one of my patients who has been a client of Joyce's since 1996.

Dr. Lee Richardson
Idaho Falls, Id

This page is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Lee Richardson who passed away in 2006. Dr. Richardson was my research partner and the greatest friend and Blessing to me in my research of many Vital Ion Edible Protocols that he helped me to prove over the 10 years that I had the privilege to work with him. I love you Lee and I miss you so much. A great man of God who loved being a Doctor and a father. I will forever love and miss you my good friend. His great spirit is always with me in my continued research!

Testimony of Christine H.
I have been taking Vital Ion Edible Oxygen since my aunt told me about it after attending a lecture given by Joyce Palmer. I was bed ridden due to a difficult pregnancy with my second child. I started taking the product in hopes of being able to get out of bed for the remainder of my pregnancy. On the first day of taking the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen I felt my baby start kicking. He had not been very active and my doctor was worried whether I would be able to carry him full term. I am happy to say after a few days of taking the product I was able to have a pregnancy free of any more problems. I took mainly the Sleep & Stress formula until I regained my health. I have a two year old daughter who is very hyperactive and she has a hard time in sleeping in the day time. I started giving her one dose of the Sleep & Stress formula and she started taking her daytime naps. I also would like to say that when I had my baby, I had the most perfect delivery with out the pain that I suffered with my first child. I love this product and I recommend it to every one that is having any health problems. Thank you Joyce, for developing such a great product, now I can afford to get well.
Christine H.
Soda Springs, Idaho
Testimony of Yash D.
I met Joyce Palmer at one her free public lectures in Tucson Arizona in October, 1999. I heard her on a local Radio station and I was impressed with her knowledge of how we can take control of our health in the comfort of our own homes. I call her an angel because of the time that she spent with each and every one that attended her lectures that needed her help.
I have been taking her products from the first time that I attended her lecture in 1999 and never missed a lecture for the next 2½ years that she came to Tucson. I call her an angel because her work and products are truly from God. I personally witnessed many miracles in all of her meetings as she freely gave away to the people that attended her lectures. She let all of us that attended her many lectures use as much Vital Ion Edible Oxygen as we needed to use in the Brain Detox and many other ways to help all of us feel better while in the meetings. I helped the new people that came once a month to the lectures learns how to use the products. It was a great experience for me and my wife.
I love Vital Ion and I will never stop taking the product as I have now been taking it for the last 5 ½ years and I feel better than I have in many years. The product is the best product that I have ever taken and it is worth every dollar that I have spent. It truly works and does every thing that Joyce teaches to her clients on how to use all of her products to take control of their health.
Yash D.
Tucson, Arizona
Testimony of Judy B.
I met Joyce Palmer one day when she came into my office in the summer of 1994 in St. George, Utah while she was lecturing at a local hotel. She was looking for an address and I gave her the directions to the local Radio Station that she was scheduled to be a guest on.
When she came into my office I was in the middle of an embarrassing hot flash and I was dripping wet with perspiration. She sweetly said, Oh so you're having a hot flash, let me give you a gift to get rid of your Hormonal Imbalance that is causing your hot flashes.
She went out to her van and got me two bottles of the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen and said here is my gift to you. Wow, was I ever surprised to have a total stranger give me a gift. Joyce told me to get a cup of water and an empty cup to pour about 1 ounce of the product and to drink it down. In a matter of minutes my hot flashes immediately stopped and I have never had another hot flash or night sweats since she walked into my office that day.
I now have complete control of my female problems and my hormone imbalance is now in full control. Thank you again Joyce for stopping in my office and solving my health problems with the best natural health product that I have ever taken. I tell every woman that I know how fast it helped me. Believe me it works and real fast! Try it and you will love it!
Judy B.
St. George, Utah

DISCLAIMER: All of the product information on this entire website is for the sole purpose of educational information and has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician for all of your health problems. Our products are recommended for the sole purpose of individuals doing their own research by detoxifying the body of heavy metals, chemicals, and parasites. Prices are subject to change with current product costs and inflation rates.
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