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& STRESS FORMULA WHICH BOTH HAVE Natural Organic Lithium Spring Water IS THE ANSWER!
Previously known as
manic-depressive disease, bipolar disorder is a relatively common mental health
condition manifested in its classic form by alternating periods of mania—extreme
high energy—and deep depression. In the "up" or manic phase, people
may sleep little, talk fast, develop grand and unworkable plans, and sometimes
behave bizarrely for example, giving away all their money overnight. In the
"down" phase, they may contemplate suicide. In many people with this
disorder, the "down" phase predominates, and for that reason, the
diagnosis may be missed. Other, more subtle versions of the condition also
Bipolar disorder is dangerous unless treated, leading to a high rate
of suicide and injury. The mineral Lithium has been shown to dramatically
improve symptoms of mania and reduce the rate of suicide. Various anti-seizure
medications also appear to help against mania with the use of prescription
Vital Ion Edible
Oxygen Sleep & Stress formula has a high concentration of natural lithium
from a two thousand year old Indian healing hot springs
in northern Utah .
The two formulas with the natural lithium spring water is the Sleep &
Stress and our new formula Serene Energy that was developed specifically for
bipolar condition’s also known as manic depression plus other conditions such
as hyperactivity, high blood pressure, attention deficit syndrome, Alzheimer’s,
sleep apnea, hypertension and anxiety. ADD, epilepsy, alcoholism, drug
withdrawal, kidney stones and migraine headaches. Some research shows that it
may also be effective in treating malignant lymphatic growths, arteriosclerosis
and chronic hepatitis. Lithium maintains
productions of a bone-repair protein, suggesting that the element might help
people with fractures that are mending slowly or not at all.
Why is lithium a miracle nutrient? It protects nerve cells from damage, encourages them to grow and heal, lifts the mood, and protects the brain from strokes and even aging. And it actually reverses the age-related brain shrinkage (or cerebral atrophy) that most of us will experience as we get older. I have seen the awful consequences of senile dementia, and anything that can stave off the ravages of brain aging is a miracle to me. I get even more excited when a neuron nourishing agent happens to be an essential nutrient (rather than a drug). Our bodies and brains can't function without lithium. It’s a familiar molecule, at home in our bodies.
Lithium, the first mineral, and
the simplest and lightest metal, will float on water. Lithium, it turns out, is
an essential mineral, necessary for human survival. And since we can't make
lithium for ourselves, we must get it from our food and water. Fast forward
approximately 14 billion years. Human life has evolved on our planet. Lithium,
it turns out, is an essential mineral, necessary for human survival. And since
we can’t make lithium for ourselves, we must get it from our food and water.
Our brain cells are under more or less continuous assault from free radicals,
toxins, pollutants, and other damaging substances.
More information will be added
to this page at a later time to give you specific protocols for a natural
lithium protocol. We suggest that you do a full body detoxifying and you will
find the protocol on the PRODUCT PAGE using the Serene Energy & Sleep &
Stress formula and continue for the maintenance of the problem. Read the
TESTIMONIALS page for people that have taken control of their bipolar condition
using our two lithium formulas.
DISCLAIMER: All of the product information on this entire website is for the sole purpose of educational information and has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician for all of your health problems. Our products are recommended for the sole purpose of individuals doing their own research by detoxifying the body of heavy metals, chemicals, and parasites. Prices are subject to change with current product costs and inflation rates.
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