Meet Joyce Palmer, Creator of the first pH balanced
mineralized sodium based Organic Chlorine Stabilized Oxygen in the
world. The product, Vital Ion Edible Oxygen is the sole reason that
she regained her health after 32 years of chronic health conditions.
Age 32
She was born in the country and enjoyed perfect health due to being raised
in a clean environment, breathing fresh clean air, drinking pure well water
and all of the food that she ate was raised by her parents. Her father
being an Organic farmer learned at an early age the importance of growing
all of their foods without the chemical contamination that is prevalent in
foods, water and air today.
Age 20
Her health problems began with violent migraine headaches caused by the
epidural used in the birth of her first child. She was bedridden for weeks
after having her first baby. Her kidneys, bladder and intestinal track were
impaired substantially and she had to be catheterized 6 weeks after the
delivery to remove the urine from her bladder. The long term chronic
constipation as well as insomnia that she suffered immediately after the
birth of her son continued for 31 years.
Within 3 months she had kidney stones and had to be put on a series of
prescription drugs for the headaches, manic depression, and other health
problems that continued to plague her at the young age of twenty. Joyce
blames the loss of her health on the epidural which caused the "Toxic
Shock" to her young and clean body.
By the age of 23, after the birth of her second child of which she had without
any anesthetic because of her fear of any chemical toxic drugs, she had
cancer of the cervix. She underwent surgery and was one of the lucky ones
to survive without any recurrence of the cancer. Her health continued to
decline for a period of 31 years with innumerable health problems. She had
on an average of 2 severe migraine headaches a week that lasted for a
period of 14 to 20 hours because she refused to take the prescribed drugs,
Demerol and Valium for her pain. She choose not to take the prescriptions
as she realized that the drugs were too toxic and doing more harm to her
body than good, and so she learned to live with the pain.
By the age of 28 the nightmare of hormone imbalance began and was put on
hormone therapy to alleviate the unknown pain she suffered during her
monthly cycle. After going to many gynecologists she found an old country
doctor that discovered that she had varicose veins in the uterus which was
the cause of her female problems, and she underwent a partial hysterectomy
leaving her with both her ovaries and tubes. She was put on estrogen and
thyroid for the rest of her life but she choose not to take ether one
because of her fear of drugs of any kind. At the age of 38, she underwent
exploratory surgery for a benign tumor that was attached to her left ovary
and tube that had to be removed leaving her with only her right tube and
ovary. Her health nightmares continued with viral colitis, genetic
hypoglycemia, born with a heart murmur, chronic constipation, insomnia,
varicose veins in her left leg, hiatal hernia, and more health problems
than she cares to remember.
At the age of 32, Joyce started her search to get well through
Alternative Medicine, whole foods, Vitamins, & Mineral
supplementation. She had her first glass of Carrot Juice in Las Vegas at a
local Health Food Store and loved it. She began a series of Detoxifying
Programs such as the "Masters Cleanse", and a variety
of intestinal cleanse products and improved her health a little but not
enough to produce the healing effect that she was searching for to regain
her health before the birth of her first child.
In January of 1988, Joyce began hands on Nobel Metal Metallurgy course with
her colleagues. On December 4, 1988 she was given the divine formula of
the, first pH balanced, mineralized, sodium based Organic Chlorine
stabilized Oxygen in the world as well as a Micron Gold Recovery
System. Thus making her the pioneer in the Organic Chlorine
stabilized oxygen technology in the world. She didn't know what she had
discovered in the Oxygen formula until October of 1989, one year
after she started her Metallurgy course, when she was diagnosed in the
fourth stage of Lung Cancer due to her breathing all the toxic inorganic
chlorine chemicals used in her Micron Gold Recovery System.
She refused the conventional treatment of surgery and Chemo Therapy and
chose to go the alternative all non Toxic natural treatments that were
available. She was introduced to a toxic form of stabilized oxygen used in
the treatment of Cancer. The other natural alternative products that she
used to take control of her cancer were Essie Tea and Black Salve used to
draw out of the body any abnormal tissue such as tumors. She then realized
that she had been given a pure non Toxic form of Oxygen now known as
Vital Ion Edible Oxygen. It took from October, 1998 until April of
1990 to heal herself of the extremely high acid condition known as Cancer.
She has developed several products other than the Vital Ion Edible
Oxygen similar to the Essie Tea and a Red Salve which does not leave
scar’s after removing all abnormal tissue such as tumors. We will be
putting a picture of the scar on Joyce’s upper right arm that was 3 inches
in diameter from using the Black Salve to remove a tumor the size of a
small marble when she discovered that she had cancer. Look at our upcoming
page of Before & After Pictures of Joyce’s arm as well as many
other clients that used her products to take control of their health.
She has also developed a protocol to take control of any chronic condition
using all of her many products. To find out more about the other products
and the protocol for any health problems, call the toll free number to
speak to Joyce, 1-888-795-3947. We take calls almost every day from 9-5 MST. If you reach our voice mail just leave your name and phone number
and Joyce will call you back as long as she can handle the volume of calls
she gets. The good news to this story of Joyce’s Cancer is that she has
been cancer free for 25 years and has the health of a teenager since taking
the VITAL ION EDIBLE OXYGEN for the last 25 years.
She started her research on the Oxygen in October of 1991 and began taking
it on a daily basis, the High Energy Daytime product now knows as VITAL
ION EDIBLE OXYGEN. Within a short period of 21 days her Migraine
headaches stopped, her insomnia was gone along with the chronic
constipation. She was full of energy and her health improved daily until
she regained her health completely with the exception of her genetic
Hypoglycemia of which she has complete control of with a low glycemic diet,
the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen and Herbal Supplements. She hasn't had
any more Migraine Headaches now for going on 14 years which she says is the
greatest blessing of all. The pictures of herbs bellow are some of the
Herbs used in some of our Herbal formulas.
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