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Sunday, October 21, 2012



We have all heard the phrase, “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” then I have determined by what I consume by eating processed foods then I must be a “WALKING TOXIC WASTE DUMP AT THE CELL LEVEL”. Wow what a wakeup call for me as I have been spraying my VITAL ION EDIBLE OXYGEN on everything that I eat and drink and I thought that I could eat or drink anything as long as I neutralized the toxicity. Yes you are what you eat and it shows in your health, skin, hair, energy, and enduring stamina.

I have been doing research for 23 years with Vital Ion Edible Oxygen on thousands of clients with all manner of disease and I have learned from my own experience of being a “WALKING TOXIC WASTE DUMP AT THE CELL LEVEL” for 31 years after having two epidural anesthesia to deliver my two sons that you cannot repair a toxic body until you cleanse your body first at the cell level which I learned was the “MISSING LINK” to taking control of my health.

I have enjoyed excellent health for 23 years after doing a full cleanse at the cell level with my product Vital Ion Edible Oxygen and have continued my research on all manner of disease with my clients health problems. One of the questions that I always get from them is what should I be eating to help me get better. I always tell them that their diet is different with each health problem such as diabetes. I have told my clients for the last 12 years after I learned the importance of the Glycemic Index of foods that in my options that everyone should adhere to the glycemic index of foods as it affects all of us. One of the first questions that my clients over the years have asked me is what kind of water they should be drinking and I have always recommended pure spring water as I did 8 years of extensive testing with my Dark Field Microscope on all kinds of brands of various spring waters and purified water most of them seemed to be pure. I have always recommended that they put one ounce of my product Vital Ion Edible Oxygen in a gallon of water and to put one serving of Oxygen in everything they drank and to spray my Oxygen on everything on all of the food that they ate. The reason is through my dark field testing on live blood cells I discovered that my product actually gave the dead processed foods a live enzyme effect on everything. I tested a buffet in Las Vegas with Dr. Cyrus Loo to prove that my product neutralizes the toxic effect of everything we ate and drank after doing test on both of our blood that was perfect before eating the buffet which is loaded with chemicals and preservatives. We both took spray bottles of my product and sprayed it on all of our food as we loaded our plates. We ate everything on the buffet including desert which was loaded with sugar. When we got back to the hotel I tested our blood again and Dr.Loo’s blood was perfect and mine was thick and toxic and the blood was aggregated which means clumped. Then I remembered that I forgot to spray my Oxygen on my cheese cake. The only time that I found a restaurant food that didn’t have a toxic effect on it was when a client took me to lunch in Reno at a pure food health food restaurant that served all organic pure whole foods. I tested both of our blood before going to lunch and after and discovered and our blood tested perfect after lunch. We should all be aware of the toxic effect of all processed dead foods and even the fresh fruits and vegetables in restaurants and of course the grocery stores. One of the other questions that I would be asked was what did I eat? And I always replied that I could eat or drink anything that I wanted if I remembered to spray my Vital Ion Edible Oxygen and pour it into everything that I ate or drank. I thought that I was doing everything right for my health except that my weight would fluctuate 10 pounds and no matter what I did I couldn't seem to get control of my weight problem.

In June of this year I learned from one of my clients who is 71 about the Nutri Bullet and I had seen their infomercials and wasn't convinced to buy one as I had the Magic Bullet. I finally was convinced by my client that had bought one because he was concerned that he wasn't getting enough nutrition from what he was using until he bought the Nutri Bullet and he said that he seemed to feel better. I bought one and wasn't impressed as I couldn't understand why it was better than my Magic Bullet so I boxed it up and was going to ship it back when one of my other client’s told me how much his health had improved since using the Nutri Bullet so I gave it another try and still didn't feel any difference in my health or weight. So I had another appliance that I didn't want or use taking up room in my kitchen. Then in August I went to visit a friend in American Fork Utah who has sugar diabetes one, leukemia and heart disease and he was having a problem of getting control of his blood sugar so I stayed with him for 5 days teaching him how to take control of his blood sugar problem and I cleaned out his cupboards and refrigerator of all of the unnecessary supplements that he had spent a small fortune on to try to take control of his health at 79 and he was suffering from his conditions and didn't know what to do and he was always telling me he thought he would die soon. I have always told him that he could repair his body with the right foods and water and that I would help him to get control of his health. I took my Nutria Bullet to his home to use as he was use to drinking smoothies.

In 23 years of Alternative Medicine research on myself and an innumerable number of research clients with all manner of disease  I have made the determination that  “YOU CANNOT REPAIR A TOXIC BODY UNTIL YOU CLEANSE IT FIRST”© with VITAL ION EDIBLE OXYGEN. With this 21 day protocol your will learn how to take control of your health by cleansing your body at the cell level and repair it with all right spin foods using only right spin food preparation appliance’s. My most recent discovery of the best way to repair your body and health with nutrition is in the kitchen with pure organic whole foods is by using the best right spin VITAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY © some of the appliances that have right spin energy is the NUTRI BULLET,NINJA, SMOOTHIE PRO 600, MAGIC BULLET and others that all have the right spin energy that incorporates the energy back into all of your food preparations the missing link to regaining and repairing your body for optimal health.You also need to replace all of your left spin kitchen food preparation appliances in your kitchen such as ice cream makers and juicers. Do your home work as it will give you and your family optimal health.


In 23 years of researching every known waters and foods I discovered by using live blood cultures using a Dark Field Microscope on an undetermined number of research clients I discovered that the number one cause of our health declining as we age is all of the chemical ridden toxic foods and waters that we eat and drink on a daily basis in this fast pace society we all live in.  We have all heard the expression, “DEAD FOOD MAKES DEAD BODIES & LIVE FOODS MAKES LIVE BODIES” and “WE ARE WHAT WE EAT.”  Now after 22 years of research I have determined that “FAST FOODS MAKE DEAD BODIES & LIVE FOODS MAKES LIVE BODIES”©. We need to invest our time and money into our health as it is possible to cleanse and repair our bodies at the cell level where health and disease begins and ends and it starts in the kitchen with right spin kitchen appliances.

The earth creates in all living foods & waters the “VITAL LIFE FORCE RIGHT SPIN ENERGY”© that gives life and perfect health when you learn the simple principle of physics and invest in the best toxic free foods, waters and right spin appliances and it is that simple for you to take control of your health.  Mother earth produces the “VITAL RIGHT SPIN LIFE FORCE ENERGY”© which comes from all foods and water on the planet that is totally pure and free of chemicals, preservatives & hormones. LOOK FOR OUR NEW BOOK, "THE MISSING LINK TO THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH" is coming soon and you will only be able to buy it on our SHOPPING CART on our websites.

This information is intended for educational purposes and is not to prescribe treatment. Always consult a professional health practitioner for the treatment of disease. These products and suggested use is to be used for the sole purpose of research on each individual’s own body to cleanse the body of all toxicity and repair the body with nutrition for optimal health. Suggested Use Protocol To Cleanse & Repair Your Body Using All Right Spin Foods & Appliances.

”A Clean and Repaired Body with Right Spin Nutrition is a Healthy Body!”©

Buy your Vital Ion Edible Oxygen wholesale by the case  at $12.00 per 8 oz. bottle,
on our shopping cart link at the top of this page!
You need a minimum of 8 bottles to do a detoxifying protocol.

DISCLAIMER: All of the product information on this entire website is for the sole purpose of educational information and has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician for all of your health problems. Our products are recommended for the sole purpose of individuals doing their own research by detoxifying the body of heavy metals, chemicals, and parasites. Prices are subject to change with current product costs and inflation rates.

For More Information and to Order Vital Ion Edible Oxygen

1-888-795-3947 M - F 9:00 am - 9:00 pm MST

© Vital Ion Edible Oxygen 1993-2013. All rights reserved. This Web Site was designed by Joyce Palmer. None of the information or  graphics or pictures can be used without the written permission of Joyce Palmer.

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