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Saturday, October 20, 2012




This information is intended for educational purposes and is not to prescribe treatment. Always consult a professional health practitioner for the treatment of disease. This product and suggested use is to be used for the sole purpose of research on each individual’s own body to cleanse the body of all toxicity for optimal health. A clean body is a healthy body!                                                                    



14 Day Detoxifying Program
  1. Add 4 ounces of Daytime or Serene Energy Formula and add it to 28 ounces of pure water such as spring water, reverse osmosis, ozonated water or any purified water of your choice and the juice of one lemon or lime and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper with RAW STEVIA to sweeten and place it into a RIGHT SPIN BLENDER  and spin it for one minute. This is the perfect water to drink as the lemon or lime and cayenne pepper is high in potassium and the RAW STEVIA rebuilds the pancreas. We only recommend the use of RAW STEVIA as a sweetener which you can read in another section of this web site. Remember that you need to drink ½ your weight in ounces of water a day to completely flush the toxicity from your body and it keeps the blood nice and thin. We recommend only the BLENDTEC BLENDER as it spins RIGHT at 29,000 RPM’S per minutes as it will incorporate into the water an incredible amount of oxygen and the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen will stabilize the additional oxygen molecules which will enhance the energy that you will have for your day. Read our page IN THE KITCHEN and learn how to incorporate additional oxygen into your foods for optimal health. All forms of oxygen have a life of 22 minutes and then it dissipates. Vital Ion Edible Oxygen stabilizes at the cell level and is time released for 12 hours. When you use the BLENDTEC Blender and Vital Ion Edible Oxygen with all of your water and other beverages it will incorporate stabilized oxygen into your beverages for incredible energy.
  1. Wait 30 minutes before eating breakfast for the product to absorb into the system for optimal results. Monitor your pH balance every morning with pH paper by placing a small piece of paper on your tongue & take your first urine elimination sample before eating or drinking anything each day of the program. A pH 7 is perfect for the product to work faster and enhance your energy level.

  1. Repeat for 14 days for optimal detoxifying results. We do not recommend distilled water for any of the detoxifying programs as it is to acid and a dead water devoid of minerals and it will leach all of the minerals from the body that Vital Ion Edible Oxygen is building in your body.

7 Day Detoxifying Program

1.     Add 4 ounces of Daytime or Serene Energy Formula to 28 ounces of pure water such as spring water, reverse osmosis, ozonated water or any purified water of your choice and the juice of one lemon or lime and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper with raw stevia to sweeten and place it into a RIGHT SPIN BLENDER  and spin it for one minute.   
2.     Repeat for 7 consecutive days for an optimal cleanse. Drink the required amount of water for your weight for the rest of the day. We recommend that you add the Vital Ion Edible Oxygen to purify all drinking water and enhance the taste of all liquids.  We suggest that you spray all of your food and drinks with Vital Ion Edible Oxygen each day to prevent all toxicity from taking hold in your body throughout the detoxifying programs and during the maintenance program.

Maintenance Program after your Cleanse

  1. Upon waking: Drink  1- 4 cap full of the Daytime or Serene Energy formula in your water and lemon or lime juice and cayenne pepper and spin it in a RIGHT SPIN BLENDER ONLY. Drink required amount of water for the rest of the day. Required amount of water is ½ your weight in ounces such as a 128 lb person should drink 8 eight ounces glasses of water a day. We recommend that you always drink the lemon or lime and cayenne pepper spun water every day as you will drink more water as needed for a clean and healthy body. Read “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” By Dr Batmangeledge. You can find it in most Health Food Stores or go online to

  1. Just before turning out the lights before going to sleep, drink 1- 3 caps full of the Sleep & Stress to keep the body oxygenated through the night to insure 24 hours of oxygen at the cell level & minerals in the system for the relief of stress and a good nights  sleep. You do not need to drink water after around 6:00 pm as the body is clean for the day and does not need to flush during the night.

How long should you take Vital Ion Edible Oxygen? How long do you want to feel good?


Eyes: Put one drop of Daytime only in each eye and wait for the stinging to stop and repeat 6 more times all at once & repeat this protocol for seven consecutive days for optimal results. Continue this protocol until you have improvement for your condition as some conditions require longer use. You should continue to use the product for an eminence program. You cannot use the Sleep & Stress in your eyes. Always do your eye in the morning and afternoon but never after 4:00 pm as it will give you too much energy to sleep if you use it later & never in the evening and this is true for all uses of the Daytime for the other uses of the product.

Nose: To clear the sinus’s, snuffle the product up your nose by pouring a small amount in the center of your palm and hold the opposite of the nose shut with your index finger and tilt the hand up against the nose and suck hard to take the Oxygen up into the sinus cavity & repeat until the nostril is clear. Repeat on the opposite side. Use this protocol every day until you get relief. When you get the sniffles like when a cold is coming on immediately follow this protocol to prevent the cold and sometimes the flu. You can use the Sleep & Stress at night if you need to but never the Daytime or Serene Energy at night.

Ears: To clear the ears of various problems, tilt the head to the side and squirt some Oxygen into the ear and open and close the mouth wile tugging on the ear to help get the product all the way deep into the ear. Repeat several times for optimal results and go to the other ear and repeat the protocol. You may need to do this every day until you get the results you want. You will feel relief immediately in some cases.

Mouth & Teeth: You can put the oxygen onto your tooth brush to remove the plaque and whiten your teeth. It is an excellent mouth wash to gargle for a sore throat. It will also relieve a sensitive tooth. The pain will intensify for about 30 seconds and then the pain will subside. Be sure to brush your tongue with oxygen as well. You can also use your tooth paste with this routine.

Hair: To stop your hair from falling out, put one capful of the product into your shampoo & conditioner and shampoo as usual. Always use the Daytime or Serene Energy only in the daytime as it will give you too much energy if you use it at night. Use the Sleep & Stress in your shampoo if it is your routine to shampoo at night.

Douching: Pour ½ bottle of the product into a douche bag and add warm water.  Lie on a slant board at a 45 degree slant with your head down and your hips up and proceed with your routine. Hold the product for at least 30 minutes for optimal results. Our products are especially good for vaginal yeast infection as well as other problems.  Repeat every day as needed to clear up the problem.

Enemas: Add 1 full bottle of the product to your normal enema routine and hold it for 30 minutes if your can. There are many different kinds of enema products to use so choose the routine that fits your program the best. The longer that you can hold the Vital Ion in the body the better results you will have.

Brain Detoxifying

(Use Sleep & Stress Only) You will need to buy some special equipment to do this protocol. First you will need to purchase a foot spa that heats and vibrates which cost approximately $20.00 at Walmart or KMART or any other store of your choice. Next call your local Beauty Supply House and ask for a hot oil heating cap which usually cost around $20.00. It is a unique cap as it conforms to your head and you can adjust the temperature for comfort. Next you will need to purchase some infant size disposal diapers just the cheapest ones will do. Step one of this protocol is to put enough comfortable hot water from the tap into the foot spa and turn on the heat setting. Next plug in the heating cap and start at the highest setting to let it warm up. You will need to use the formula as to what time of the day you are doing your Brain Detox. Pour ½ bottle of Sleep & Stress into the center of the baby diaper and pour 1 full bottle of Sleep & Stress into the foot spa with the hot water. Drink 1 full bottle of Sleep & Stress with a quart of pure spring water with ½ of a lemon juice & a pinch of cayenne pepper to flush the toxicity from your body during the process. Now place the diaper with the Sleep & Stress formula onto your head and put the heating cap on and place your feet into the foot spa and turn the setting to both the heat & vibrate setting. Next, drink the full bottle of Sleep & Stress followed by the water during the process. This program is best to do for at least 2 full hours or longer for optimal results. Check your baby diaper after one hour and add the rest of the product to the diaper to keep it moist for optimal results. You won’t need to add any more oxygen to the foot spa for this program. It is very important to drink all of the Sleep & Stress and your water while doing this program.  After 15 minutes into the detoxifying, stand up in the foot spa and time how long it takes for the vibration to reach the top of your head. This process will activate the flushing of the toxicity from your body as the vibration will speed up the process through the urinary and intestinal tract. Repeat every 15 minutes during the full detoxifying time. It is suggested that you take one cup of the Chinese Dieters Tea a mild laxative tea (Cassia Angustifolia is the herb) with a heaping tablespoon of sylium followed by 12 ounces of spring water at least one hour before starting the program to deal with parasite infestation. You may use a mild herbal laxative of your choice as it is very important to use it with this Brain Detox. Repeat this protocol for 7 consecutive days for optimal results which requires 21 bottles of Sleep & Stress Oxygen. Take advantage of the 18 bottle deal as we give you three extra bottles at this time.

Skin & Wrinkle Repair: First thing in the morning, exfoliate your face with Suave apricot scrub, rinse with hot water and towel dry. Next spray the face and neck with the Daytime or Serene Energy product and massage into the skin. Next apply your moisture cream and massage into the skin and spray again and massage into the skin. Now you are ready to apply your makeup and spray again after to set your makeup. Carry a small spray bottle in your purse or in your pockets for the guys and spray the face several times during the day to refresh your skin. Use the Sleep & Stress after washing your face before going to bed without the exfoliating.

Spray All Your Food & Drinks: The Vital Ion Edible Oxygen will neutralize the chemicals & parasites from taking hold in your system if you always remember to spray and add to all of your foods. We call it the food & drink neutralizer. Spray all of your food & drinks several times before eating or drinking anything.

Water Purification: Add one cap full of the product to every gallon of water you drink. We suggest that you buy the gallon size of Wal-Mart spring water as we have tested their water’s and have found them to be pure and they are available almost everywhere. Use the water of your choice except distilled water as it is a dead water meaning without minerals and is on the acid side of the pH scale. Distilled water will leach the minerals out of your body that you are trying to put into the body. Distilled water is excellent for douching after childbirth as it will leach the debris from the uterus. We learned this protocol from a woman who had 13 children and she was able to remove material from her uterus eight years after her last child was born. All of her daughters used this protocol as suggested by their Naturopathic doctor with great success. They all had every one of their baby’s at home with a Midwife.

Skin Rashes & Burns: Spray the full strength Vital Ion Edible Oxygen on the affected area several times a day for relief of the burn and apply a good moisture cream to seal the area. Repeat several more times during the day. Spray the rash several times all at once and repeat throughout the day as needed. Repeat daily until the problem is gone. Remember to spray the Daytime formula during the day until 4:00 PM and use the Sleep & Stress after four as the Daytime will keep you awake. We recommend that you use Bag Balm on the burned area as it has antiseptic properties in it. It has the consistency of Vaseline and covers very well. You can Google it to find where to buy it. There are Farm Stores that sell Bag Balm as well as Walgreen’s.

Pimples: Cleanse the skin with hot soap & water and towel dry and spray the skin with full strength Daytime or Serene Energy. Repeat spraying throughout the day to activate the flushing of the toxicity which caused the problem. Repeat at night before going to bed with the Sleep & Stress formula only. Remember all of the protocols listed here are to be used with the daily use of the Vital Ion  Edible Oxygen products after the detoxifying of your body followed with the maintenance program.

DISCLAIMER: All of the product information on this entire website is for the sole purpose of educational information and has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician for all of your health problems. Our products are recommended for the sole purpose of individuals doing their own research by detoxifying the body of heavy metals, chemicals, and parasites. Prices are subject to change with current product costs and inflation rates.

For More Information and to Order Vital Ion Edible Oxygen

Call 1-888-795-3947 M - F 9:00 am - 9:00 pm MST

© Vital Ion Edible Oxygen TM 1993-2012. All rights reserved. This Web Site was designed by Joyce Palmer and Scott Young! No part or graphics or pictures can be used without the written permission of Joyce Palmer.


  1. These are some awesome products, years ago they saved my life, I will always be grateful, Thank you Joyce! Dawson
